Auto Accident with Pain Care Associates in Little Rock

Over the last 25 years, Pain Care Associates has treated many patients with auto injuries in Little Rock.
- You get to choose your health care team-not the insurance company.
- Automobile Insurance covers 100% of your care in most cases.
- Our office accepts PIP/Medpay and 3rd Party Auto Insurance.
- Insurance is filed for you.
- Payment may be deferred (if necessary) until your case is settled.
Auto Accident in Little Rock
If you have recently been involved in a motor vehicle accident, you may receive unsolicited calls from individuals trying to persuade you to go to a certain doctor. These people are called "runners" and they obtain your police report through public records. They then call accident victims and persuade them to go the doctor they work for. We advise you to tell them that you will find treatment on your own. In the summer of 2011, the Arkansas Attorney General listed a consumer alert regarding these "runners".
We provide a team approach to your health through chiropractic care and physical therapy. We know what it takes to get you better! Call our Little Rock office at (501) 223-3314.
Wednesday, Jul 27, 2011
LITTLE ROCK -Because of recent complaints, Attorney General Dustin McDaniel issued today's consumer alert to warn Arkansans about the use of "runners" by some chiropractors eager to increase business in Arkansas.
Runners are companies or individuals who collect and review police reports in order to identify consumers recently involved in car accidents.
"Runners contact accident victims and try to persuade them to visit a specific chiropractic clinic," McDaniel explained. "The clinic then pays the runner a fee based on each new patient the runner recruits."
Many runners use high-pressure sales tactics in order to get as many new patients as possible, including placing repeated phone calls, making door-to-door visits and even offering cash as an incentive to switch to the chiropractor they represent.
"Consumers should not be swayed by these high-pressure techniques," McDaniel said.
The Arkansas State Board of Chiropractic Examiners' rules and regulations allow chiropractors to contact accident victims; however chiropractors must utilize honest and ethical marketing practices.
Complaints to the Office of the Attorney General and regulatory agencies concerning this issue indicate that some runners have provided misleading information about other chiropractic offices, impersonated the consumer's insurance company, and advised consumers that insurance claims will only be paid if the consumer sees a specific chiropractor.
If you are contacted by someone you suspect to be a runner for a chiropractor, McDaniel advises you to take these steps to protect yourself:
- Talk to your insurance provider. He or she will be able to tell you if a particular service or office is covered by your insurance plan.
- Advise the runner that you plan to find your own treatment.
- Do not be swayed by the offer of cash to switch to or visit a particular chiropractor. Take time to thoroughly research the chiropractic offices to be sure the office will provide the treatment you require.
- Consult legal counsel of your own choice to advise you regarding options to resolve claims.
For more information, contact the Public Protection Department of the Attorney General's Office at (800) 482-8982.
8:00am - 12:30pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
7:30am - 3:00pm
8:00am - 12:30pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:30pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
7:30am - 12:00pm
Pain Care Associates
8801 West Markham Street
Little Rock, AR 72205